The world's first consensus-based historical record storage blockchain

Voter Approved History - Peer to Peer Storage - Uneditable Records

What is Historia?

Historia is a decentralized blockchain application, similar to a database. Individual computers on the network store the records that are approved. Think of it as a peer to peer system for Historical records. Records become approved via a voting mechanism. Once the records become approved via a vote, it can not be edited or changed by anybody, including the developers. These records will always maintain the original content for as long as the Historia Network exists, hopefully all of time.

What is this web application?

Historia Network is the decentralized blockchain and protocol layer. This includes the voting system and the storage system. This web application runs on top of and interfaces with Historia Network. The web application was needed to make Historia Network easier to use. Even if this web application was to go down, you could still access the records directly through the Historia Network software.

The Permanent Record

Records can be proposed by any individual user that pays a small fee. The record then goes through a voting period in which voters should vote based on the accuracy of the record. If the record is approved by the voters, it is permanently added to the Histora blockchain and can not be altered or deleted.

Why Historia?

Our goal is truth in journalism and the history that will come from these uncertain times. 2020 has been a major year in World History with significate events that need to be recorded properly. If you haven't been paying attention to the current state of the world, from the COVID19 pandemic, to the protests and riots across the world, to the Communist Chinese take-over of Hong Kong, then let us sum it up like this:

"Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right."
― George Orwell, 1984

Why Subscribe?

  • Our Goal: Truth in journalism and the history that will come
  • Cryptocurrency/blockchain is hard, but you still want to vote
  • You want to help shape the permanent historical record
  • You will be in control of proposals that shape Historia
  • Unlimited drafts
  • No Advertisements
  • 10 Free Submission per month
  • You want to help fund the Historia Network development
  • Limited amount of voter keys available means not everybody gets to vote


Still not convinced to help History? Lets answer a few questions for you.

1 Why subscribe to Historia?

Voting on a record requires either knowledge of cryptocurrency and 100 HTA or a subscription. We understand that cryptocurrency is hard, but offer subscription service for those individuals still want to vote.

You want to help shape the permanent historical record. With a subscription, you will be able to vote on records and proposals that shape the direction of the network without having to understand cryptocurrency or blockchain technology.

As a subscriber you will also receive unlimited drafts and 10 free record submissions per month..

Remember, there are a limited amount of voter keys available. Once they are sold out, they are gone. This means not everybody gets to vote. This helps to eliminate false data.

2 How does a record get permanetly added to the Historia Network?

Records can be proposed by any individual user that pays a small fee. This fee is to prevent spam. The record then goes through a voting period in which voters should vote based on the accurancy of the record.

Subscribers get 10 free submissions per month

3 How do I vote?

To become a voter, you must own at minimum 100 HTA coins. You can buy these on a cryptocurrency exchange like STEX. If you are not an expert in cryptocurrency or do not feel confident in your ability to setup the voting node with the proper voting keys, you can use the subscription service available by clicking the subscribe button below, and we will do the heavy lifting for you.

4 Why do I need "voting keys" to vote?

This was designed into the Historia software on purpose. If any user is able to vote, then the accurancy of the records will go down because bad actors would be able to control the vote. We want subscribers that are concerned about the truth in media and history.

Because of the limited number of coins currently available, there are a limited number of possible voting keys. At the current time, if all voting keys were used there are a maximum of 32,500 votes available. But the reality is many voting keys have been lost and our estimation is there is about 15,000 voting keys available.

Wisdom of the masses is our goal, while preventing the attack vectors that exist on systems such as Wikipedia.

5 Can I get paid by submitting records?

Yes! When users submit a record proposal, they also can submit a request for payment. If the voters consider this to be an appropriate fee for the content submitted, as well as meeting the other guidelines such as accuracy, evidence, references, validity of content, then the submitting entity will receive payment for their work on approval.

10 What Historia is not?

There are many repositories of data that are publicly available for content submission on the Internet, as well as other blockchain applications. Wikipedia is one application that fits this example. It should be noted that Historia is not trying to be a repository for all of human knowledge, but rather the significant cultural and historical events that are important to secure in a immutable manner for the further expansion of the human race.

The problem with other repositories of data is that they can be changed via political pressure, malicious editor, or bad actor. In Historia, once a record is approved no one, not even the developers, can ever change the record.