Welcome To Historia Network

What is Historia?

What is Historia at a high level?

Historia is a special type of digital ledger called a blockchain. It keeps a secure and unchangeable record of current events, which will become historical records in the future. The main goal of Historia is to ensure these records are completely accurate, preventing any false information from being added.

Another way to describe it is as a mix of Twitter's (X.com) Community Notes feature and an archiving website, but created in a decentralized way.

What is Historia in layman terms?

Historia is like a digital library that everyone can help build and maintain. Instead of being stored in one place, it’s stored on many computers around the world. Think of it like a group project for keeping historical records. People in the network vote to approve records, and once approved, these records cannot be changed or edited by anyone, not even the creators. These records will stay exactly the same for as long as the Historia Network exists, ideally forever.

What is this website at a high level?

Historia Network is the decentralized blockchain and protocol layer. This includes the voting system and the storage system. This web application runs on top of and interfaces with Historia Network blockchain and protocol layer. This website was needed to make Historia Network easier to use. Even if this website was to go down, you could still access the records directly through the Historia Network software.

How does a record get permanetly added to the Historia Network?

Anyone can propose a record by paying a small fee, which helps prevent spam. Once proposed, the record enters a voting period where members of the network vote on its accuracy. If the record receives enough votes for accuracy, it becomes a permanent part of the Historia Network.

How do I vote?

To become a voter, you must own at minimum 100 HTA coins. You can buy these on a cryptocurrency exchange like XeggeX, with Bitcoin or USDT If you are not an expert in cryptocurrency or do not feel confident in your ability to setup the voting node with the proper voting keys, you can use the subscription service (coming soon), and we will do the heavy lifting for you.

Why do I need "voting keys" to vote?

Voting keys are required to maintain the accuracy of the records. If everyone could vote, powerful entities could manipulate the vote. By limiting the number of voting keys, which are tied to the limited number of coins available, the system ensures that only a select group can participate in voting, preserving the integrity of the records.

Can I get paid by submitting records?

Yes! When you submit a record proposal, you can also request payment. If voters approve the record and find your payment request reasonable, considering factors like accuracy, evidence, references, and validity, you will receive payment for your work upon approval.

What is the Historia Local Web Application (HLWA)?

In maintaining the decentralized nature of the Historia Network project, we have released a stand alone open source version of the Historia Web application that can be run on a user's local machine. This allows for all of the features of the Historia Network web site (IE viewing records, voting on records, submitting records), minus the user system and comment system. This is called the Historia Local Web Application (HLWA). You can find links for this from the Wallets and Software page here.

Why release the Historia Local Web Application (HLWA)?

To uphold the decentralized nature of the Historia Network, the developers created the HLWA. This open-source software ensures that even if our centralized website is shut down, possibly due to government action, the project can continue. The HLWA allows users to keep accessing, voting on, and submitting records, preventing the entire project from being completely shut down.

What is the Historia Local Web Browser Extension (HLWBE)?

The Histora Local Web Browser Extension (HLWBE) is a open source extension is a browser extenison that works in conjucture with either the Historia Network website or the Histora Local Web Application (HLWA) to save and import a direct copy of a web page for archiving purposes. You can find links for this from the Wallets and Software page here.

How do you use Historia Network?

There are much documentation out there, depending on what you are wanting to do. A starting point after this current page is to visit here.

Where can you find the Community and Content Guidelines

The Community and Content Guideless was submitted as a governance proposal and passed by the voters in 2020. You can find the guidelines here.

Coin Statistics as of June 29, 2024
  • No ICO, Premine, Instamine, or Founder’s Tax
  • X16Rv2 GPU Mineable
  • 2MB Blocks
  • Block Reward: ~3.5 Per Block
  • Miners Take: 50%
  • Content Distribution Masternodes Take: 50%
  • Record Proposals: Up to 20%
  • Annual Decrease of Supply by 7.69%
  • 61160 New Coins per Month
  • Circulating Coin Supply: 5,565,227
  • Maximum Coin Supply: 15.4 Million
Historia ICO

Development Log

Update: June 29, 2024
  • Completed full intergration between HLWA and the Historia Core Wallet
  • If you would like more information about this intergration, visit our blog here.
Update: January 26, 2024
  • Added other media types to the Create process. You can now upload pdfs, images, audio, or video.
  • Reworked archiving, to add a "queue" instead of timed based approch on the Create page.
  • Added name, summary, address validations to the Create process to prevent bug from occuring on submission
  • Added Masternode diangostic page to help masternode owners to determine issues.
  • Fixed bug in which Create submission process was setting incorrect epoch time end data to new submissions.
  • Fixed bug where it was impossible to copy manual vote string on the Details page.
  • Added background services to start the move over to new infrastructure.
  • Removed unneeded data on Masternode listing.
Update: August 26, 2023
  • Added a method to automatically take a screen shot of a Tweet and add it to the Create Builder.
  • Added Open Graph information on the front page for any archives that get submitted. We also added this to the details page for each record/archive. This cleans things up a bit.
  • Added search capabilities to the web interface. Searching the Historia Network records will search on all Name, Summary, and contents of the records
  • Added all of these features and fixes to Historia Local Web App (HLWA). This new version of HLWA will be released in shortly.
Update: April 30, 2023
  • Fixed a bug in which the records submitted via the Historia Local Web decentralized app (HLWA) were not being seen on the centralized site. They now will be automatically imported into the centralized web site.
  • Fixed a "Hours/Days/Weeks/Months ago" since submission bug on the proposals/record/archives. While minor, it now works properly across all time zones.
  • Added Open Graph information on the front page for any archives that get submitted. We also added this to the details page for each record/archive. This cleans things up a bit.
  • Added search capabilities to the web interface. Searching the Historia Network records will search on all Name, Summary, and contents of the records
  • Added all of these features and fixes to Historia Local Web App (HLWA). This new version of HLWA will be released in shortly.
Update: December 4, 2022
  • Historia Network Main Site Updated Create System to allow for versioning, evidence, and topics
  • Updated record details page to allow for versioning, evidence, and topics
  • Updated record details page to allow listing of versioning, evidence, and topics information
  • Updated Historia Network Core Client to support new versioning, evidence, and topics system (Release date for 17.04 TBD)
Update: August 3, 2022
  • Historia Network Main Site Complete Revamp of Create System for better scaling
  • New Create System offers faster payments of proposals
  • New Create System UI for more intuitive design approach
  • New Browser Extension interfacing with main Historia Network web application
  • New version of Historia Local Web Application Release with minor bug fixes
Update: April 21, 2022
  • Historia Local Web Application Released (HLWA)
  • Mobile Web Site Cleanup
  • Many minor bug fixes and tweaks
  • URL Added to Masternode Listing Page for HLWA Support
Update: January 5, 2022
  • Infinite scrolling pagination system
  • Further Administration tools and statistics
  • Many minor bug fixes and tweaks
  • General code cleanup
Update: August 5, 2021
  • Tweaks to comment system to add sorting capibilites, user reporting
  • Tweaks to main page to add top comments per proposal, and newest comments
  • Many minor bug fixes and tweaks
  • Further tweaks for create system, to allow for posting on users' public page before submitted for vote
  • Revamp of Masternode and Voting Node Registration page
Update: October 1, 2020
  • Email engine completed
  • Administration tools and statistics
  • Many minor bug fixes and tweaks
  • Ability for users to self-delete comments
  • General code cleanup
Update: September 1, 2020
  • Updates to Affilate Marketing System released
  • Private in app messaging system released
  • Deep linking of articles for comments and messaging
  • User reporting system for spam/pornographic content
Update: July 24, 2020
  • Affilate Marketing System released
Update: July 1, 2020
  • Reached Beta level - Open for receiving proposals/records/archives.
  • Previous third party comment system has been removed and replaced with in house designed comment system.
  • Home page revamped to all objects lists.
  • More informational pages explaining how to use.
  • Character counters on input fields.
Update: June 4, 2020
  • Object creation generator has been completely revamped on back end to make faster.
  • Preview system intregated to show output before submission.
  • Images are now part of the HTML generated.
  • Creation of all object types are now enabled.
  • Social Media buttons are now enabled to share.
  • Cycle Information listed on Create page.
  • Bug fixes! Too many to list here.
In Progress
  • Further social aspects, such as following, user profile customization, user profile statistics. Gameification. Re-sharing ability
  • Further tweaks for create system, to allow for posting on users' public page before submitted for vote
  • Redo Facebook/Twitter buttons to prevent canvas tracking from third party apps
  • Suggestion update mechanism
  • Administration stuff
  • Further Bug Fixes